2012年1月27日 星期五

音樂人物:Black Tape For A Blue Girl


另類音樂(alternative music)的興起,只是近十年間的事,卻可說是搖滾史上的一大突破,這種不限音樂型態、不拘樂器的音樂形式,使得搖滾(rock)與古典樂(classical music)、新時代音樂(new age)或是當代音樂(contemporary music)有了對談的可能,音樂的疆界不再那麼清晰可辨了。


Projekt顯然是這種獨立唱片公司中最令人期待的一顆新星,它不僅有孤芳自賞、敝帚自珍的死硬個性,更將其廠牌整體風格予以系統形象化。(一如英國獨立唱片公司4ADV23專門包裝設計,Projekt則有Sam Rosenthal-該公司的老闆-負責打理)他們的音樂型態融合古典(classical)、搖滾(rock)、氛圍(atmosphere)、電音(Electronic Sound)等要素,Sam稱之為『gothic-ambient』,意即兼容環境(ambient、弛放冥想?!)與歌德(goth、低調浪漫?!)的音樂風格;此風正預示著Projekt之嚐新與對歐陸典雅仙樂(ethereal music)之獨鍾。

介紹Projekt就不得不提Black Tape For A Blue Girl這個音樂團體,它是Projekt旗下最多產、亦是最具代表性的團體,如同4AD的臨時組合This Mortal CoilBlack Tape For A Blue Girl是老闆Sam一手創造、貫徹其音樂理念的產物。

'86年處女作《The Rope》開始即展現Sam Rosenthal懷抱蒼白淒美心靈的意圖,除了自己包辦所有的詞曲創作外,並擔綱專輯內主要器樂的演出(客席樂手--吉他:Adam Buhler、小提琴:Candy Sherlock & Lara Radford),歌唱的部分,除了Sam自己演唱,還情商公司內外的歌手客串(Oscar HerreraKim PriorBobbi Jo Gamble)。

到了隔年第二張專輯《Mesmerized by the Sirens》發表,Sam更堅定此一創作組合模式,尤其對於浪漫氛圍的仙樂風格,已經到了執迷不悟的地步;除了固定班底(Oscar HerreraKim PriorBobbi Jo Gamble),更找來深受Tangerine Dream Pink Floyd影響的電音吉他手Walter Holland,以及夢幻女聲Sue Kenny-Smith共同創作(A Teardrop Left BehindHairline SunlightJamais ParsSeireenien Lumoama)。

1989年第三張作品《Ashes in the Brittle Air》問世,Sam有了新的嘗試,他不再擔負所有樂器的演奏(前兩集的樂手都只是客串間奏),雖然主唱、和聲仍找人客串(例如:前張專輯曾出現過的Bridget Knott),但有了新的樂師加入,guitar & vocal: Lorenviolin: Carmella Scalzopiano: Stephen Nester,這些樂手們不僅替樂團注入了多樣化的風貌,更重要的是引領該團的樂風走向更古典唯美的境界。

第四張專輯《A Chaos of Desire》更有值得注意的純淨美聲,即擔任主唱的Julianna Towns,茱莉安娜原為電音樂團Skinner Box女主唱,她的音域較前兩位女主唱Oscar HerreraBridget Knott更為寬廣,因此,她的歌聲加深了Sam所欲營造之深邃幽渺感,將音樂提升到另一個層次,使樂曲中的浪漫情愫平添幾許古典嫵媚;這使人連想起《雙峰 Twin Peaks》電影音樂中的茱莉克魯斯(Julie Cruise)。

進入'93Black Tape For A Blue Girl更蒼白了,在淒美之外,又再增加幾抹無奈。如同Dead Can DanceAion》專輯裡,引入中世紀民族音樂素材一般,Black Tape For A Blue Girl從歷史的灰燼中,尋求出文藝復興的人文氣息,將之吸收再創造,綻放出瑰麗斑瀾、令人眩目的光采,為美國另類音樂的發展,開啟另一扇窗、提供另一種可能性。

聆聽Black Tape For A Blue Girl是種奇妙的心靈旅程,彷彿走入虛幻夢境,時間停止流動,萬籟具寂,唯有心悸而已。

Sam Rosenthal Discography 作品年表

Projekt Electronic Amerika - Tanzmusik

02. We Remember
03. Out Of The Clouds
04. A Man Like This
05. The Sky & The Calendar
06. Lookout Point
07. Alone
08. Desert Island
09. Round Trip
10. Year 90-10
11. No Luck Today
12. Forever Returning
13. The Coming Fall
14. They Came At Night

Sam Rosenthal - Before The Buildings Fell

01. Kathryn  8:59
02. Diversion  6:12
03. Resolution  1:48
04. The Room  2:35
05. Jane  3:39
06. Leading To The Edge  1:29
07. Before The Buildings Fell  2:45
09. The Amber Girl  10:05

black tape for a blue girl - The Rope

02. Hide In Yourself  3:58
03. Within These Walls  3:47
04. The Holy Terrors  2:03
05. End  2:22
06. Seven Days Till Sunrise  2:16
07. The Rope  3:12
08. The Few Remaining Threads  3:24
09. The Lingering Flicker  5:54
10. Slow Blur  5:09
11. The Floor Was Hard But Home  3:34
12. We Return  4:13

black tape for a blue girl - Mesmerized By The Sirens

01. Jamais Pars  2:10      
02. A Teardrop Left Behind  6:54  
03. Dark Skinned And Inviting  2:19
04. Lie Broken, Bleeding  3:10
05. Hairline Sunlight  1:16
06. With A Million Tears  5:57
08. Beneath The Planks  4:35
09. Scream, My Shallow  8:23
10. Seireenien Lumoama  5:50

black tape for a blue girl - Ashes In The Brittle Air

01. Ashes In The Brittle Air  4:01
03. The Touch And The Darkness  2:58
04. Through Sky Blue Rooms  1:36
05. The Scar Of A Poet  7:29
06. You Tangle Within Me  4:25
07. From The Tightrope  4:46
08. Am I So Deceived  5:10
10. I Ran To You  3:28
11. I Wish You Could Smile  2:58

black tape for a blue girl - A Teardrop Left Behind

01. The Scar Of A Poet  7:28
03. Tear Love From My Mind  3:00
04. A Teardrop Left Behind   6:54
05. The Turbulence And The Torment  5:44
06. The Lingering Flicker  5:54
07. Seven Days Till Sunrise  2:16
10. Beneath The Planks  4:35
11. Hide In Yourself   3:57
13. Ashes In The Brittle Air  4:03
14. Seireenien Lumoama  3:01

black tape for a blue girl - A Chaos Of Desire

02. A Chaos Of Desire  5:18
03. Pandora's Box  4:31
06. Beneath The Icy Floe  6:34
08. One Last Breath  3:22
09. Of These Reminders  8:50
11. Chains Of Color  2:28

Sam Rosenthal & Vidna Obmana - Terrace Of Memories

02. Dark Mist, Rain  5:48
04. From Within The Cold (A Fragment)  4:58
05. Of Silent Crossings  17:17

black tape for a blue girl - This Lush Garden Within

01. Left, Unsaid  4:37
02. The Broken Glass  3:38
03. We Exist, Entwined  5:17
07. The Turbulence And The Torment  5:44
08. The Flow Of Our Spirit  3:28
09. Into The Garden  4:10
10. Decomposed By The Fire Of The Firmament  4:14
11. Gravity's Angel  1:50
12. On Broken Shells Of Crystal Dreams  6:40
13. Our Future Imagined  3:21


black tape for a blue girl - The First Pain To Linger [Maxi CD]

01. Forbidden  6:08
02. The Glass Is Shattered  4:01
03. Pandora's Dream ('92)  3:13
05. I No longer Remember The Feelings  6:01
06. A Good Omen  4:55
07. Untitled  5:47

black tape for a blue girl - Across A Thousand Blades: A Retrospective

01. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity  4:34
02. Across A Thousand Blades ('96)  3:48
04. One Last Breath  3:20
05. The Floor Was Hard But Home  3:33
06. The Flow Of Our Spirit  3:29
07. For You Will Burn Your Wings Upon The Sun Pt.1  5:19
08. For You Will Burn Your Wings Upon The Sun Pt.2  3:59
09. Through Sky Blue Rooms (live '96)  2:38
10. The Turbulence And The Torment  5:44
11. Chains Of Color  2:29
12. Scream, My Shallow  8:25

black tape for a blue girl - Remnants Of A Deeper Purity

02. Fin De Siécle  5:53
03. With My Sorrows  7:03
06. Fitful  4:56
07. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity  4:36
08. Again, To Drift (For Veronika)  6:00

black tape for a blue girl - Remnants [EP]

01. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity  4:33
02. Across A Thousand Blades ('96)  3:47
03. En La Mar Ay Una Torre  0:57
05. Untitled  2:07

black tape for a blue girl - With My Sorrows [single]

01 With My Sorrows (Part Two)  13:03
02. With My Sorrows (Part Three)  6:22

black tape for a blue girl - black tape for a blue girl [EP]

01. As One Aflame Laid Bare By Desire  7:19
02. Dulcinea  6:14
03. On Broken Shells Of Crystal Dreams (Live)  2:17
04. Could I Stay The Honest One? (Live)  3:17

black tape for a blue girl - As One Aflame Laid Bare By Desire

01. As One Aflame Laid Bare By Desire  7:20
02. Given  4:21
03. Entr'acte (The Garden Awaits Us)  1:33
04. Tell Me You've Taken Another  5:18
05. Entr'acte (The Carnival Barker)  1:01
06. Dream  1:53
07. The Apotheosis  6:19
08. Russia  6:42
09. Your One Wish  1:29
10. Dulcinea  6:15
11. The Green Box  6:39
13. The Passage  15:48

black tape for a blue girl - Sampler

01. All My Lovers  4:02
02. Floats In The Updrafts  1:37
03. Kinski  3:03
04. The Green Box  6:39
05. With My Sorrows  7:03

black tape for a blue girl - The Scavenger Bride

02. Kinski  3:30
03. All My Lovers  4:02
04. Shadow Of A Doubt  2:32
05. The Doorkeeper  1:17
08. Das Liselottenbett  2:42
09. The Lie Which Refuses To Die  2:49
10. The Scavenger's Daughter  8:04
11. Like A Dog / Letter To Brod  10:27
12. The Whipper  1:22
13. Bastille Day, 1961  5:48

black tape for a blue girl - With A Million Tear-Stained Memories (HighLights, 1986-2003)

CD1: Vocal Tracks
01. Memory, Uncaring Friend (2003 Version)  3:40
02. The Broken Glass  3:38
03. Could I Stay The Honest One? (1998 Acoustic Version)  3:13
04. Ashes In The Brittle Air  3:55
05. Griffith Park  3:19
06. Russia  6:41
07. Scream, My Shallow  8:22
08. The Flow Of Our Spirit  3:27
10. The Holy Terrors  2:02
11. Your One Wish  1:28
12. One Last Breath  3:20
13. Overwhelmed, Beneath Me (2000 Version)  3:05
16. With My Sorrows  7:05
17. Bastille Day, 1961  5:47

CD2: Instrumental Tracks
01. Kinski (Steve Roach Remix)  4:08
02. With A Million Tears  5:52
03. For You Will Burn Your Wings Upon The Sun (Part 4)  7:58
04. Fitful  4:56
05. Like A Dog / Letter To Brod (Part 1)  2:09
06. The Apotheosis  6:06
07. The Green Box  6:38
09. Slow Blur  5:06
10. Das Liselottenbett  2:42
11. Dark Skinned And Inviting  2:16
12. Seven  5:50
13. Beneath The Icy Floe  6:31

black tape for a blue girl - Halo Star

01. Glow  1:12
02. Tarnished  3:23
03. The Gravediggers  5:36
05. Indefinable, Yet  3:29
06. Knock Three Times  3:52
07. Scarecrow  3:03
08. Damn Swan!  3:12
09. Already Forgotten  5:06
10. The Fourth Footstep  7:07
11. Dagger  5:51
12. Halo Star  3:25

black tape for a blue girl - Tarnished [single]

01. Tarnished (Single Mix)  3:25
02. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity (2004)  4:01
03. Damn Swan!  3:11

black tape for a blue girl - On Tour (Live Bootleg #1)

      KXCI On The Radio, Tucson Wednesday September 8 2004
01. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity  3:48
02. Your Love Is Sweeter Than Wine  1:40
03. Knock Three Times  3:22
      Area 51, Salt Lake City Monday September 20 2004
05. Space Oddity  4:31

black tape for a blue girl - The Scarecrow [EP]

01. Scarecrow (Album Version)  3:04
02. Tarnished (Ego Likeness Mix)  5:12
03. Dagger (Stripped)  4:56
04. Already Forgotten (Alternate Mix)  5:09
05. Halo Star (Alternate Mix)  3:22

Revue Noir - The Revue Noir Single

01. The Gravediggers  4:05
02. Amsterdam  3:14
03. A Girl, A Smoke  3:53


black tape for a blue girl - Remnants Of A Deeper Purity (10th Anniversary edition)
02. Fin De Siécle  5:53
03. With My Sorrows  7:03
06. Fitful  4:56
07. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity  4:36
08. Again, To Drift (For Veronika)  6:00
01. En La Mar Ay Una Torre  0:59
02. With My Sorrows (Part 2)  10:13
03. With My Sorrows (Part 3)  6:25
05. Redefine Pure Faith (Live)  4:32
06. Through Sky Blue Rooms (Live)  2:29
07. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity (Live)  3:57
08. Across A Thousand Blades ('96)  3:55
09. Untitled  2:05

As Lonely As Dave Bowman - Pod

01. Pod One  11:47
02. Pod Two  16:07
03. Pod Three  19:12
04. Pod Four  7:09
05. Pod Five  11:11

black tape for a blue girl - The Pleasures Everlasting [EP]

01. Fortune Presents Gifts Not According To The Book  7:13
02. Shadow Of A Doubt  2:32
03. Star Power  1:38
04. Secret Girls  1:34


black tape for a blue girl - A Retrospective 1986-2008

01. Remnants Of A Deeper Purity (2004)  4:01
02. Across A Thousand Blades (2007)  3:49
03. All My Lovers  4:02
04. Griffith Park  3:18
05. Given  4:20
06. Memory, Uncaring Friend  3:41
07. For You Will Burn Your Wings Upon The Sun (Part 1)  5:21
08. Dagger (Stripped Mix)  4:55
09. Overwhelmed, Beneath Me (2000)  3:07
10. Could I Stay The Honest One? (1998)  3:17
11. The Lie Which Refuses To Die  2:49
12. Knock Three Times (Skinny Kinda Mix)  3:33
13. I Have No More Answers (2008)  7:45

Revue Noir - Anthology Archive

      The Released Tracks
01. The Gravediggers  4:05
02. Amsterdam  3:14
03. A Girl, A Smoke  3:55
      The Archive
06. I have no more answers  3:21
07. A Girl, A Smoke (Rehearsal)  3:50
08. All Tomorrow's Parties (Live)  2:38
09. Alabama Song (Live)  3:50
10. Halo Star (Live)  3:02
11. Strange Little Show  3:37
12. Sunshine IV  2:05
13. She is the Madman  4:25

black tape for a blue girl - 10 Neurotics

01. Sailor Boy  3:47
02. Inch Worm  4:10
05. Marmalade Cat  4:39
06. Love Song  1:53
07. Rotten Zurich Cafe  3:20
08. Militärhymne  1:37
09. In Dystopia  3:34
11. I Strike You Down  3:08
12. Caught By A Stranger  3:30
13. Curious, Yet Ashamed  4:11
14. Love Of The Father  3:54

black tape for a blue girl - Quadranotics (A Sampling Of Songs From 10 Neurotics)

02. Inch Worm  4:09
03. Sailor Boy  3:45
04. Caught By A Stranger  3:29
05. Sailor Boy (Expurgated)  3:44

Black Tape For A Blue Girl - The Rope 25

CD1: Remastered
02. Hide In Yourself  3:58
03. Within These Walls  3:47
04. The Holy Terrors  2:03
05. End  2:22
06. Seven Days Till Sunrise  2:16
07. The Rope  3:12
08. The Few Remaining Threads  3:24
09. The Lingering Flicker  5:54
10. Slow Blur  5:09
11. The Floor Was Hard But Home  3:34
12. We Return  4:13

CD2: Various Artists
01. black tape for a blue girl -- Memory, Uncaring Friend (2011)
02. All My Faith Lost ... -- The Rope
03. Mirabilis -- The Floor Was Hard But Home
04. Erik Wøllo -- Within These Walls
05. Forrest Fang -- Hide In Yourself
06. Dirk Serries -- Lingering (Vintage Mix)
07. Dirk Serries -- Blurred (Lo-Fi Mix)
08. Walter Holland -- Seven Days Till Sunrise
09. Kho Hat Hasa -- The Holy Terrors
10. Rajna -- End
11. Attrition -- Memory, Uncaring Friend
12. Lux Interna -- We Return


Sam Rosenthal - The Passage

01. The Passage  44:29
02. Rae  10:12

1993.11.15 初稿 2012.01.25 僅增補作品年表